After dusting off the school bags and getting back to sensible sleeping patterns, we’re back to school routine!

Many children felt positive about their return and were excited to see friends again, but some were anxious and lacking in confidence, perhaps about moving to a new class or a new school. Change can be daunting, but so can long breaks from academic routine, of which we’ve had lockdowns as well as summer holidays to contend with. 

After a little patience and giving them time to adjust, if your child is still feeling anxious and unmotivated, there may be other issues. Perhaps they’re finding their school work difficult or feeling pressure to get good exam results. There’s often an expectation to learn like everyone else which can leave children feeling unsupported and not seen as individuals.

Once the source of worry has been established you can discuss changes that could be made, whether these are at school or at home. Opening conversations about anxiety is a good thing and also to let your child know that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. It happens to us all!

If conversations are difficult then maybe offer your child a book to read. I’ve come across a wonderful book called ‘Lucy’s Blue Day’ by Christopher Duke. Even though it’s aimed primarily at younger children, I think all ages could benefit from it, and it just might help spark some conversations about feelings and emotions. Here’s a link:

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