

Good2Learn是由教师设计的,旨在帮助孩子们练习他们在课堂上学到的东西。 随时可在任何互联网设备上使用,而无需下载应用程序或更新软件。



Good2Learn是由教师设计的,旨在帮助孩子们练习他们在课堂上学到的东西。 随时可在任何互联网设备上使用,而无需下载应用程序或更新软件。



登录后,Good2Learn仪表板将使您可以访问数学和英语课程,查看两个学科的分数,查看已完成的课程并查看奖励。 您将能够从父母仪表板跟踪孩子的进度。

A tablet showing the Good2Learn dashboard
Tablet showing a video lesson informs of a graphic depicting the choice of lessons on the Good2Learn platform


在数学和英语之间选择,然后选择一个主题。 在每个主题下,都有不同的课程可供选择。 您可以选择观看课程或进行练习。 我们建议在解决问题之前先观看本课。

每节课都很容易理解。 我们的演讲者很友善,将帮助您解释话题并举例说明。


除了每个视频课程,还有一个互动练习供您完成,它将测试您孩子的知识和理解。 这些将是多种选择,拖放,键入和交互式动画的混合。 这些练习旨在一次又一次地进行。 您的孩子永远不会两次遇到相同的问题-因此他们可以继续练习所需的次数。



Does Good2Learn follow the National Curriculum?2021-04-23T17:25:55+00:00

Yes. A team of talented teachers have structured all Good2learn lessons and exercises. It means children will be working to the same National Curriculum Framework that all English schools follow.

How do I keep track of my child’s progress?2021-04-23T17:25:09+00:00

Good2Learn takes care of everything for you! We provide each learner with their unique dashboard and every parent/carer with a control panel. Each activity is updated and exercises automatically marked. You’ll be able to see your child’s performance, their activity, rewards and certificates at a glance.

How much is it? Is there a cost for each child and for each subject?2021-04-23T17:27:10+00:00

Good2Learn’s multi award-winning platform is available for only £9.99 per month and includes up to 3 learners in a family. This includes both maths and English at unlimited use. You can save an extra 20% if you take out an annual subscription.

How do I know which lessons the children need to watch?2021-02-16T14:06:19+00:00

Good2learn helps children to consolidate their schoolwork. Children can mirror what they are learning at school. Alternatively children can start at the first lesson of each topic and simply work their way through. Either way, it will build your child’s knowledge and confidence.

How often can the lessons be watched and exercises completed?2021-02-16T14:02:45+00:00

Your children can watch the lessons as many times as they like. There is also unlimited use of the exercises which makes Good2Learn perfect for revision.

How long are Good2Learn lessons?2021-02-16T14:00:39+00:00

The length of time for each lesson varies but they’re usually between 5 and 12 minutes long. We’ve found that teaching a small amount of information at a time helps children to understand each lesson better.

What age group is Good2Learn for?2021-04-01T14:39:31+00:00

Good2Learn have a range of maths and English lessons that help children between the ages of 7 to 16 years old. We cover Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 and help build a strong foundation in the two key subjects. We’re continuously adding lessons and extending the range.

Do you have to sign up to long-term contracts?2021-02-16T14:07:38+00:00

Families can choose a monthly subscription which allows them to cancel at any time. However, there is the option to pay up front for an annual subscription and save 20%.

Is Good2Learn mobile and tablet friendly?2021-04-23T17:23:42+00:00

The Good2Learn learning platform can be used on any device. There’s no need to download any applications, just log in and you’re all set to go! You can use multiple devices, which means a lesson can be started on a laptop and finished on a tablet or mobile. You can take Good2Learn with you wherever you go!

girl with brown hair holding up a tablet showing a certificate of achievement




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